"love doesn't get cancelled"... x
Well, since it is February I decided to write about love. But what is love, exactly? The word in itself is interesting. We often throw it around like it is nothing, when in reality it IS everything. We will say things like... I love you, I love music, I love sports, I love my dogs, I love to write, I love pizza, etc. But do we really know what love is?
If I say "I love chocolate," isn't that a lot different than me saying, "I love you?" Sometimes I wish there were different expressions we could use or a checklist to describe LOVE, because I think all of us may be a little bit confused?!
I'm sure you've heard this expression before, or maybe you've even said it to someone... "I love you, but I am no longer IN love with you." WHAT??? What exactly does that mean? How do you love someone and then no longer love them? Yes, I understand that FEELINGS change and people change, but does that mean love STOPS? If so, were we ever really IN love in the first place?
Hmm... something to think about?!
I started asking God a million questions, as I often do... "What is love? How do we know what is real? You say that you are love, but what does that really mean? How do we express love in our relationships? Show me love, etc."
A few nights later, I had this dream:
I was shown a heart that was torn in half. One half said HEART on it and the other half said SOUL. I was given glue, tape, a gold needle and purple thread and I was told to put the heart back together.
I tried to glue it back but it wouldn't stick. I tried to tape it but it was crooked and wasn't pieced together properly. I'm naturally not good at sewing, so this was my last resort. haha I took the gold needle and purple thread and began sewing it back together.
As I finished, it didn't look perfect, it was bumpy and ugly... but at the same time it was WHOLE and BEAUTIFUL.
The blueprint is you, inked upon your finger, engraved upon my heart.
You SEE, often times we try to make (what we think is), love stick or we tape (cover), it together and then it becomes crooked. So why do we do this? I believe, it's because the tearing apart is so painful to go through, that we try to avoid it at all cost. It is also not easy to put our hearts back together again. Like a needle and thread, it is a constant PIERCING and PULLING.
This is why, we need Jesus to heal our hearts from within. Then not only will we be able to sew a.k.a. GIVE love, but we will be able to RECEIVE love, as well.
As I was writing this dream down in my Dream Journal, I also wrote down God's Checklist of Love, that is found in the Bible. It gave me a better understanding of what REAL love is. I then reflected back on some of my past relationships. I realized that many of them were lacking a lot of these qualities, but yet, I still thought it was love?
Interesting, in my dream the Heart and Soul were separated. I believe God was showing me that often times we love with our heart, but not necessarily with our soul. And love must not only come from the heart, but it must also come from deep in one's soul, to be REAL.
He also gave me an alternative expression to use, when describing the difference in the way we use the "word" love...
I love you, with all of my HEART!
I love Him, with all of my HEART and SOUL!
Happy Month of L♥VE.
Rod Stewart ~ You're in my Heart, You're in my Soul
"You're every love song, ever written" ~Rod Stewart
Are these qualities found in YOU and in the relationships you possess with others... whether it be family, friends, or the one you love?
Love is patient
Love is kind
Love does not envy
Love does not parade itself
Is not puffed up
Does not behave rudely
Does not seek its own
Is not provoked
Thinks no evil
Does not rejoice in iniquity
But rejoices with the truth
Bears all things
Believes all things
Hopes all things
Endures all things
Love NEVER fails.
And now abide faith, hope, love, these three...
but the greatest of these IS Love.
I love ejaculating :)
LOL win. the word verification for this comment is 'methe' LOL FTW! :D
I liked this
This was very good!
Thank you everyone for reading and posting a comment. I really appreciate it!
YAY!!! Thank you Justin. Your opinion means a lot to me!!! ;)
I used to wonder, "What Is Love?"
Your article has answered me partially.
You are right, Love is giving and receiving.
It's such beautiful life, when we could Love and Be Loved.
I used to wonder, "What Is Love?"
Your article has answered me partially.
You are right, Love is giving and receiving.
It's such beautiful life, when we could Love and Be Loved.
you are such a wonderful person lisa... and REdefining love the way you did makes LOVE more interesting and more meaningful... heart and soul :)
Isabelle Man, Yes I agree. Receiving LOVE is just as important as Giving it! I'm glad I could partially answer you! :)
Melissa, AMEN!!! That is BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for your kind words, ALWAYS!!! ;)
I wanted so much to write about February ~ the love month, but I needed an inspiration. Coming across your post 'again', I finally found the light.
One is, when I first commented on this, I was in love! After a year, out of the relationship, I still feel love for that person, not really 'in love' in the exact same sense but truly loving ~ setting him free and allowing both of us to grow apart from each other.
Perhaps I loved with my heart and soul. But then again, I could only give my whole self ~ my entirety~ to God.
Beautiful reflections here . . . We do tend to overuse the word "love". I think your concept of love being "sewn" to the soul is such an insight in discerning love from true love.
Blessings to you!
I agree with you. Being honest and true to yourself will lead to the right path. wonderful post.
Love what you have said about love...
Everything had been fully explored here...about LOVE. I love the way it is! Nothing more...nothing less!
True. Love from soul is connected to Gods love and often it is discovered only after our heart is broken, stitched back and healed by grace. Then the souls all enduring love is understood.
Very sweet! Happy 'love month'!!!
I love the quote from Corinthians -- that is the love I want to give everyone!
What a lovely and beautiful way to explain what is love, Lisa. Heart and soul together makes up love. Loved it
You are right. We really need Him to heal our hearts from within.
@Melissa AMEN!!! Grazie tanto bella. That IS beautiful. I'm glad you were inspired. Thank you for sharing my blog with others, also!
@Martha J. M. Orlando Thank you for the SWEET comment. I appreciate you reading and commenting. Blessings to you, as well. ;)
@Jan Yes, it will. ;) Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog and all your comments.
@Janu Thank you SO much!!!
@FherYmas AMEN! Thank you very much!
@Jerly Yes, very TRUE!!! I agree completely! Thank you for your input.
@Dangerous Linda AMEN!!! That IS beautiful and I do too! ;)
@Rimly Awe, thank you ALWAYS for your SWEET comments. I'm glad you "loved it."
@Portia AMEN! Absolutely!!! Thank you for reading and commenting. It is much appreciated!
Love, love, love what you said about love here, Lisa Marie! And, that dream . . . Wow!!! God certainly gave you a clear message there.
Blessings and love!
I see that it's the third time I'm visiting this post...but everytime I do, a new meaning of love, something deeper, grows within...
I love love love the meaning God gave to your dream... :)and the push and pull and the tearing apart... and God healing the heart... Profound and mystical :)
LOVEly as ever!
@Martha J. M. Orlando: Thank you again for reading and commenting! YES, it IS a POWERFUL message!
@Melissa: Awe, thank you for the HUGE compliment. I'm glad that you got something different, every time you've read it. Thank you so much for sharing my blog, also. I truly appreciate you!!!
@JANU: Thank you for stopping by again and reading. ;)
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